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Patek Philippe: I expect Pateks quality control to be better than the AD's eye

In my case the dealer could not see the obvious defects but Patek did which is why they switched my watch a few times
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Always buy factory sealed!

The reason you should is that an authorised dealer who has had the watch on display will send it to Patek for repolishing if there are light marks from various customers handling the watch over time. Some people don't mind this but I do. If I wanted a repolished watch I'd rather buy secondhand. My f
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: It was a new sealed one..

... from Patek. As it was the 3rd replacement (ie. 4th watch) it was apparently checked by a director before being factory sealed and dispatched to London
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Finally got my replacement 2 weeks ago.....

....and my 5167r is now very acceptable. Not perfect in terms of symmetry but good enough for me. Superb service from my AD. Love the watch and definitely worth waiting for a good one!
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Another update...

My watch has been inspected by Patek Geneva and they have apologised for the inconvenience. I was told that they will now be producing one for me which will be checked by a 'director' before packaging at the factory for dispatch to London. This will take 6-8 weeks. Despite this being my 3rd replacem
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Yes the 4th one..

..but the first wasn't Pateks fault. The dealer gave me a re polished display one instead of a factory sealed one which they agreed when I ordered. Yes the dealer understands but feel that as it's hand finished they feel it can't be a perfect as a Rolex case. However my argument is that the other st
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: An update

An update for those interested. Went in today to pick up my second replacement factory sealed 5167r. Patek had accepted the last one as not up to standard and provided a replacement. Unfortunately this one is worse. One of the 4 lugs was unusually narrow (the one to the right of the 12 o'clock). It
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Why are Aquanauts not made as well as other Pateks?

:ook at the dial of the Aquanauts. The number 10 and number 2 do not line up in some watches. The number 2 is sometimes stamped higher in many watches. I am also still waiting for a second replacement rose gold Aquanaut which has a poorly polished case from the factory. The first one had scratch mar
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Compared with another 5167r

and unfortunately my 5167r is the odd one out. They have emailed Patek so hope a replacement will come soon. Interesting the picture you posted had the same problem as my watch but I notice that that picture is from a site selling fake watches Will keep you all informed!
By: SooS

Patek Philippe: Well, I looked for marks and defects

on the dial. I did not expect a misshapen watch from Patek especially since it was sealed!
By: SooS